Homeless in a small town
I am homeless but have done nothing wrong
Bills were paid on time, and our yard was vibrant with freshly planted flowers
The smell from our BBQ and sounds of children filled our home
I am homeless because the owner sold our home
We packed all our furnishing and watched our children choose smaller toys to keep out
of storage
You see me at the grocery store, and we make small talk in the checking line
I walk away feeling a relief that for one more day no one knew I was homeless.
We have mastered washing up in gas stations, taking more time than you, to make sure
we have gone the extra mile to not look homeless
I drive down the same roads as you when we both pick up our kids from school
My wife pours over the paper praying to find a new place to rent
This routine leads to daily tears, I sadly watch them roll down her beautiful face
When the sun starts to set, we drive around to find a safe place to park
I place light blankets in our windows as my wife locks all the doors
With thick blankets wrapped tightly around us, I silently pray we can sleep through the
For 6 hours a day, my children are the same as yours. They play on the playground
releasing all the stresses that plague them at home
No one knows we are homeless.
We have had the same jobs for years and our children always manage to adore a smile
on their face
We hope to find a motel room for a night or two.
The thought of feeling a soft bed to stretch out on, a bathroom just a couple of steps
away, and the calming feeling of the warmth from our shower seems so far out of reach
We call around to each local motel
Praying that we will get to experience this luxury for just a night or two
The words seem to flow so freely from their mouths, we have no vacancies for the next
few weeks
It will be another night of finding a safe place to park
We look for a semi lighted space for us to feel safe,
We must be out of the sight of others so we can avoid the midnight knock saying we
have to leave again
I am still homeless in a small town
