Jamie P.3, Board Member
Laundry love serves so many families in need! What a blessing it has been to our community, especially during this time of covid! I’ve been given the opportunity to help at events and it is amazing to see the smiles on faces! Families are so grateful. All the hard work that must be done to keep Laundry Love afloat is so worth it! The founder is amazing and has a heart of gold! I feel so fortunate to be a part of something so incredible in our community. ❤️
Retta Hettling P. Professional with expertise in this field
I've been following Laundry Love since they began almost three years ago. While I personally have not used this service, I have spoken with a few who have. All have said pretty much the same thing; that they were grateful to be able to wash a little bit of laundry and have clean clothes, that there was no judgment of them or their circumstances and that there were resources available to help them through this difficult time. Those are huge things when you are homeless, I know I've been there. Laundry love has inspired me to try and emulate what they have done in Hamilton in my town. I am hoping to convince a local laundromat tomorrow morning to allow me to help the hundreds of homeless people in my area. Clean clothing is difficult to make happen when you're on a fixed budget or low income. It's impossible when you're homeless with few options available to wash and dry your clothing. Kudos to Laundry Love ❤ for bringing such a vital and needed service to the Bitterroot Valley!!!
Brenda W.3 Volunteer
Laundry love is a wonderful asset to our community, there is so much need here in the bitterroot. Life is so hard for so many families these days. Laundry love helps with the need for clean clothes and helps direct people to other services that they might be able to utilize. Such love goes out to those who are helped through this organization. It is truly a blessing!! Thanks for being there for so many families.
ChristyJ Professional with expertise in this field
Laundry Love is this wonderful help for anyone who is looking for free laundry. This has helped the amazing number of people friends of mine, family, & people in the community, with clean clothes. THANK YOU LAUNDRY LOVE!
LyndiH Board Member
I volunteer for this amazing nonprofit organization and saw firsthand what an amazing service this nonprofit supplies for the homeless population or people who are just down and out due to loss of jobs, high housing costs or just traveling through from one homeless camp to another. I witnessed people coming in with their heads hanging low and ashamed of the fact they need help with having clean clothes and bedding and then seen the joy in their eyes as they folded all those clean items to take with them It is very rewarding experience. I have since joined the board as I feel this is a very needed service in our valley.
ldlorriedavis Board Member
Years ago when Stefani came to me with this idea. I thought it might work. Well, the glory is it has gone over the top. To see the pleasure and de lite-on people’s faces when they get to pull those warm clean clothes from the dryer. I cannot describe the feeling of pride that I have in this service. You are never asking for personal information. Stefani spends countless hours taking money to the laundry mat, writing grants, and trying to help people in a way that most of us take for granted. People love the socks that come with the service. Anyone who is in need, give us a call and we are here to restore some dignity one load at a time. God Bless and thank you Laundry Love for allowing me to be a small part of a great program.
Brittany B.9 Volunteer
This is a non-profit that truly cares about every single guest that it assists. Everyone is welcome no matter their background, beliefs, or otherwise. If you want to feel welcome and cared for while you wash your clothes, you’ve come to the right place.
Mary F.3 Donor
I haven't used Laundry Love Hamilton, but I was blown away when I heard about them at the beginning of this year and have supported them as best I can. So many of us take for granted clean clothes, a handy washer and dryer, a hot shower whenever, and so on. I hope we can wake up and help those whose lives are filled with uncertainty and discomfort. Thank you, Laundry Love Hamilton!
wilsonsmontana General Member of the Public
When I heard about the great work that Laundry Love does, I had to contact them to see if I could help. I've been promoting them and donating blankets and supplies when I can.
huckleberrymommy Volunteer
This is very beneficial to our valley! I have personally seen what it has done for others. The smiles, hugs and thank you melt your heart. My son and I volunteered when it first started all the way thru to the pandemic. I have held some as they cried sad tears and happy tears. We have made many new friends that when out n about we always wave and talk to one another. It's amazing how many people really need this service in our little valley, I hope that people will see this and help donate. If you ever have a chance maybe volunteer if it can be done in close proximity again. I promise you won’t regret it. It's also a great learning lesson for kids.

sarahfryermt General Member of the Public
What a beautiful addition to our community thank you for what you do!